Component E-mail Scanner

The E-mail Scanner component is responsible for scanning every e-mail message, sent or received; whenever a virus is detected in an e-mail, it is removed to the Virus Vault immediately. The component can also filter out certain types of e-mail attachments, and add a certification text to infection-free messages.

AVG Anti virus hmtoggle arrow1 E mail Scanner Basic principles of the E-mail Scanner

The E-mail Scanner works through e-mail plugins for all common (SMTP/POP3 based) e-mail clients. A specific plugin is available for the following clients:

· MS Outlook
· The Bat!

A general e-mail plugin will work for other e-mail clients, such as Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora etc.

Encrypted connections using SSL are also supported.


Please note that E-mail Scanner only processes e-mails received to/sent from your desktop e-mail client (MS Outlook, The Bat! etc.), not e-mails sent over a public e-mail service website (Gmail, Hotmail, AOL Mail etc.)!

Your online activities including using webmail service are secured by other components (Online Shield and LinkScanner).



Scan incoming messages, Scan outgoing messages by checking or unchecking the respective box, you can specify whether incoming and outgoing e-mails should be scanned for viruses. Note: Scanning might slow down the process of receiving e-mails, especially those with large attachments.

Display notification window while e-mail is being scanned – specify whether, during the scanning, the E-mail Scanner component should display a systray pop-up notification informing on the actual task the component is processing (connecting to server, downloading a message, scanning the message etc.).


AVG Anti virus forward E mail Scanner Advanced settings


E-mail Scanner