Security Status

The purpose of the Security Status is to warn you instantly if there is a problem. The AVG icon in the system tray displays a little exclamation mark, and warning notifications appear above the system tray.


Security Status

System Tray Icon

What does it mean?

What should you do?

AVG Anti virus big status ok Security Status

AVG Anti virus systray1 Security Status

All components are on and running; your computer is fully protected.

Nothing at all, everything is ok!

AVG Anti virus big status warn Security Status

AVG Anti virus systray2 Security Status


One or more components are in warning state, which usually means, not configured optimally.

Warning state does not indicate a critical problem, however, we recommend that you check what is wrong.

If it is something you did not intend, try solving the problem (see below: What should you do in case of error state).

If it is intentional, you can set AVG to ignore the problem, and not notify you again (see below: Ignoring warning state).

AVG Anti virus big status err Security Status

AVG Anti virus systray2 Security Status


One or more AVG components are in error state: switched off, configured incorrectly, or out-of-date!

In the upper part of the Main Screen, you will find a brief summary of the problem: Which component is in an error state, and what is wrong with it (e.g. Online Shield: disabled).

To try and fix the problem, use the Fix button.

If this does not help, double-click the respective component to see the setting option which allows you to fix the situation (e.g. Enable Online Shield). If however you cannot find the solution, you might want to consult the respective component help:

Select the component here.

If however the reported problem is something you have set intentionally, you can set AVG to ignore the problem, and not notify you again (see below: Ignoring error state).

AVG Anti virus forward Security Status How to set AVG to ignore warning or error state

AVG Anti virus forward Security Status Proceed to Overview of Components

Security Status